5 Key Phrases to Help Your Beauty Brand Stay Relevant
Communicating these days is complex, and many beauty brands feel like they’re navigating in the dark.
A global pandemic isn’t exactly something we’re familiar with.
We aren’t sure what we’re “supposed” to be doing;
We need to be empathetic - but we can’t be a downer;
We don’t want to say the wrong thing - but we don’t want to be absent.
So here are five angles that can help make sure your communication connects with customers right now.
With all of the changes happening, everyone can relate to the fact that taking care of our wellbeing - both physical and mental has become a priority. Help customers take some down time to recuperate.
Key words for consideration: pamper, wellness, treat, mood, habits, time out, etc.
Many people have discovered that they are juggling even more now, whether it be working from home, increased domestic needs, job hunting, etc. Help make your customers lives easier, and your products more accessible.
Key words for consideration: stress-free, easy to use, free shipping,
With increased stress and anxiety, people are loosing sleep and we know what happens to our skin when we’re running on low. Help customers leverage their beauty routines as a pick me up.
Key words for consideration: energize, reset, glow, restore, nourish, etc.
With social distancing measures in place throughout the country, WFH and remote social interactions are part of our daily life. Help make your customers feel present and alert during the many FaceTime and Zoom calls.
Key words for consideration: stay home, meetings, filters, routine, etc.
Whether it be more on your plate, or living on a tighter budget - doing more with less is an attractive value proposition right now. Help make your customer get more done, feel more productive or discover something new.
Key words for consideration: maximize, versatile, multi-tool, experimentation, etc.
What themes do you find are resonating with your audience?