Minimalism: The Reason it Could Put Your Brand at Risk


Minimalism has become a trend of sorts - many articles have appeared lately, touting the value of minimalism on our wellbeing; how a minimalist lifestyle can bring us a sense of satisfaction because we will focus less on materialism.  Several minimalism “experts” have surfaced, with even a documentary having been created promoting this as a lifestyle choice.

Minimalism is a concept that I value. I grew up in a household that placed little value on material possessions, and we were taught to appreciate every item that came into our lives.

But after several conversations, I’ve come to realize that the common interpretation of minimalism in the Western world is perhaps misleading.  Particularly in the space of brand building.


As someone who works with clients that lead large organizations, I emphasize the importance of simplicity and creating clear, easy-to-understand processes - minimalism of sorts. However, when we simplify and focus on the most important elements, it is easy for brands to amount to a pile of dry, matter-of-fact attributes.


While some brands may want to keep their messaging straight-forward and clinical/professional/academic, you start endangering your brand by becoming impersonal, and thus irrelevant.


I’ve seen it time and time again - minimalist brands who have no soul.


So if you value minimalism, that’s great.
But please don’t loose your soul.

It’s what differentiates you from others, and what makes me as a human connect with your brand emotionally.


c okubo