PSA - Why You Can't Be Everything to Everyone


You’ve probably heard experts recommend “niching down” or having a clear idea of who your target audience is.


But simply narrowing down your niche and audience isn’t enough.

Do you think that your brand is the only one targeting “hyperpigmentation for women 25-35”?

Unfortunately … probably not.

So how can you distinguish your brand from the competition further?


When building a brand, one of the most important elements that I often insist on founders and teams work on developing is their Point Of View (POV).



Your POV is about developing your brand’s distinct value set, attitude and perspective.

It will help shape your Brand Pillars, and help guide your team in the day-to-day.


If it isn’t obvious already, you must be careful of falling prey to the “sea of same”.

Particularly in the beauty and wellness space, as the industry continues to grow, it is becoming increasingly difficult for brands to stand out.


Brands struggle for a number of reasons, and now it is more important than ever, for brands to have a truly differentiated Point of View.



Simply put, your brand’s POV is the stance that your brand has on various topics and elements in the world we live in.

Just the same, it also applies to things that may NOT be on your brand’s “radar”.

I.e. Some things aren’t going to be “important” due to your Brand Values, and that can be okay too.

For example, if your brand is positioned to be affordable with low margins, it may be perfectly okay to have basic, “un-fancy” packaging, as it aligns with your brand’s point of view on investing in the product quality and de-emphasizing your packaging.


Here are a few examples of topics your team can ask to develop a clear POV.

What is your brand’s view on…

  • Environmental issues?

  • The role of celebrities in your brand communication?

  • Social causes?

  • Delivering value?

  • The role of customer service?

  • If you’re a skincare brand, your take on makeup?

  • If you’re a makeup brand, your take on skincare routines?

  • If you’re a wellness brand, your take on high profile ingredients such as sugar, preservatives, fragrances, etc.


At the end of the day, the more you can articulate, the easier it will be for your team to become independent and your brand communication will stay cohesive.

c okubo